The man who shows his socks is the most emotional

2016-11-24 14:37:00 

Dew ankle is easy, but if you do not want to discuss how to do my sister like? Most insurance still have to wear a pair of socks, but! Socks must be exposed, but there is a scheming dew. (such as sitting, squatting, knees together ~)

1, black and white grey socks

Black, white, gray is relatively easy to match with a variety of shoes sports shoes socks. Black socks and shoes classic white cotton socks collocation, collocation is generally sneaker shoes.

2, have the color of the dark color of the socks

A color, but the color of the dark side of the socks, but also very easy to match, not easy to make mistakes. Because there are at least ten editors: dark blue, wine red, dark green, ginger, army green,......

3, bright color, color stitching and all kinds of elements

The man who shows his socks is the most emotional

This is a bit difficult, while no color background, still don't try. But if it is full of confidence in their own trendsetter, fashion attainments, it is the courage to try, a variety of plaid, striped, snow, wave...... Pattern.

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